OwlTing PMS

OwlPay provides a comprehensive C2B2B solution for businesses, which includes a payment gateway, consolidated reconciliation, mass payouts, and automated payments. Additionally, several payment methods are available for real-time clearance and settlement of transactions, such as fiat currency, commercial cards, account payables, and stablecoins. These methods speed up transactions and improve transparency in the process. OwlPay effectively helps businesses save costs and enhance operational efficiency, creating a brand-new FinTech experience and satisfying all-rounded payment needs in one place.

  • OwlPay®
  • OwlTing® Blockchain Service
  • OwlNest® Blockchain Hotel Management System
  • OwlTing NFT Marketplace
  • OwlNews
  • OwlTing Market
  • OwlTing Experiences
  • OwlJourney®
  • OwlStay®