Welcome to SHR Casino Solutions, a division of SHR dedicated to addressing the unique technological challenges faced by casino hotels. Our mission is to provide innovative solutions that streamline operations, enhance competitiveness and foster loyalty among your guests.
Unlock the potential of your Casino loyalty program

Combine Comp and Cash Nights in a Single Reservation

SHR’s innovative Reservation Blending functionality allows you to dynamically combine Comp and Cash nights into a single reservation, avoiding the need for the guest to create multiple reservations for their stay.

Our Rate blending algorithms allow you to define the maximum amount of Comp nights in a single reservation and how Comp nights are applied.

Redemption Rules Engine 

Safeguard your hotel from guests over utilizing their offers.

Our redemption rules engine allows you to set limits on the number of Comp Nights a guest can book in a specific-period and can also restrict back-to back and multi room reservations.

Rules can be applied on a specific offer or at a player segment level.

Grow your Loyalty Program

Grow your Casino customer base with innovative features to bring new guests into your Casino Loyalty Program.

Multiple guest acquisition points through the reservation journey.

Expose loyalty offers to guests and require them to sign up when confirming the reservation.

Reduce Operational Costs

SHR’s Casino Solutions provides you with the flexibility to launch all  your hotel’s loyalty offers online for you players to book.

With call center staffing rates continuing to rise, reduce your operations costs by enabling your players to book online.

SHR Casino loyalty solution

Integrated Systems for Seamless Operations

Challenge: Disconnected Systems and Manual Processes
Casino hotels operate in a complex environment with multiple systems, including Central Reservation Systems (CRS), Property Management Systems (PMS), Casino Revenue Management Systems (RMS), Offer Management Systems and Customer Management Systems. The lack of integration among these systems often leads to manual processes, inefficiencies and increased operational costs.

Solution: SHR’s Casino Solutions’ Integrated Platform
Our platform integrates all these systems seamlessly, enabling efficient communication and data flow. For example, when a guest wants to book a complex offer online, our system automates the process, eliminating the need for manual lookups and offer creation. This integration reduces operational costs, particularly for reservation agents, by providing a unified system that dynamically updates the CRM, Offer Management System and PMS.

Enhancing Competitiveness with Unique Offers

Challenge: Limited Technological Capabilities
Many casino hotels struggle to differentiate themselves due to outdated technology that restricts their ability to launch unique offers. This results in a stagnant market where hotels can only mirror their competitors’ promotions, lacking true competitive edge.

Solution: Flexible and Innovative Offer Engine
SHR’s Casino Solutions empowers hotels to create and manage unique offers, including comps, free play, dining credits and complex cash combinations. Our flexible blending technology allows for dynamic creation of offers, combining multiple rate codes into a single reservation. This capability enables revenue managers and marketing teams to quickly implement innovative promotions that set their property apart from competitors.

Building Loyalty with Advanced Engagement Tools

Challenge: Limited Loyalty Program Integration
For casino hotels, loyalty programs are crucial for driving repeat business. However, traditional systems often provide limited entry points for guests to join loyalty programs, resulting in missed opportunities to capture and nurture loyal customers.

Solution: Comprehensive Loyalty Integration
Our technology provides multiple entry points throughout the booking process to encourage guest sign-ups for loyalty programs. From pop-up modals and sign-in prompts to rate codes that require sign-up, we ensure guests have numerous opportunities to join and engage with your loyalty program. This integration allows hotels to capture valuable guest information, nurture loyalty and drive repeat visits, ultimately increasing revenue and guest satisfaction.

Advanced Offer Management and Redemption Rules

Challenge: Managing Comps and Discounted Rates
Manually managing comps and discounted rates can be time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to over-allocation of these offers and potential revenue loss.

Solution: Automated Offer and Redemption Rules Engine
Our system includes a robust offer engine and redemption rules engine, developed in collaboration with industry leaders like Hard Rock. This technology automates the management of comps and discounted rates, applying sophisticated algorithms to dynamically create and enforce offers. Hotels can set rules at both the offer level and player level, ensuring balanced and controlled distribution of comps and discounts.

Revolutionize your guest experience and reduce operational costs.

With deep integrations into your Casino Management Systems (CMS) and Property Management System (PMS), SHR’s Innovative Casino Solution can make the CRS the center of your hotel’s distribution while leveraging the data from your integrated systems.

Not just a Casino hotel

We understand that your casino hotel has many of the same needs as a standard hotel and we have you covered

Multiple Booking Engines

Multiple booking engine designs, each responsive and highly customizable to ensure maximum conversation and revenue from each booking

Hundreds of Connections

OTA Direct Connect, Channel Manager, GDS, DHISCO, Meta.

Voice Application

Cloud-based application for in-house or external call centers with real time CRS content & availability. Integrated into your loyalty system for member only offers


Maximize upsell opportunities, present your guests with the option to add  items to their reservation, such as early check in or bottle of champagne, with flexible pricing options and item inventory.

Payment Gateways

Payment gateway integrations to tokenize credit cards, charge deposits, prepayment and issues refunds for cancelled reservations.

Safe and Secure

Rest easy with integral data security, boasting PCI compliance and adaptable to meet the most diverse security requirements.

Our Customers

Join leading casino hotels that have transformed their operations with SHR Casino Solutions. Experience seamless integration, enhanced competitiveness, and stronger loyalty programs. Contact us today to learn how our technology can elevate your casino hotel’s performance and guest satisfaction. 


SHR’s deep integration with Light and Wonders Engage brings custom casino offers to guest online

SHR Group Unveils Strategic Investment and Appoints Dan Edmonds as VP Casino Strategy & Solutions

Guest Whitepaper: Total Revenue Management – Casino Hotels

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