Ctrip Channel Manager

Trip.com Group is the world's leading one-stop travel platform. The company's platforms can provide a complete set of travel products, services and differentiated travel content to users around the world. The group is able to offer more than 1.2 million global accommodation services, more than 480 international airlines, and more than 310,000 local activities. and work with more than 30,000 other partners to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers.

For Chinese travelers, and increasingly for travelers around the world, Ctrip is a trusted travel platform that allows users to make any type of travel booking, from in-destination activities to weekends. From short holidays and short trips to cross-border travel and business travel, etc. Ctrip's diverse product and service portfolio covers economical, high-end, customized, premium and other options, attracting Ctrip's growing domestic and global user base.

In recent years, Ctrip has continuously increased its research and development and investment in artificial intelligence, cloud computing and other aspects, and its investment in innovative technology far exceeds that of other similar companies around the world. In terms of services, Ctrip has about 10,000 customer service personnel around the world, equipped with deep neural network customer service robots and global service capabilities in 21 languages. Through all-weather, standardized and fast services, it can provide all-round guarantee and fully meet customer needs. consumer demand. In addition, Ctrip has successively established innovative measures such as "six layers of travel protection", "advanced compensation", "global travel SOS emergency mechanism", and "ladder refund and reform", and its service standards are industry-leading. In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, Ctrip has launched a number of measures to protect the rights and interests of users and partners, launching the "Travel Renaissance V Plan" and "BOSS Live" to fulfill social responsibilities and promote industry recovery.

In 2016, Ctrip accelerated its pace of globalization. In January of that year, it strategically invested in MakeMyTrip, India's leading online travel company; in February, it established the Southeast Asia regional headquarters in Singapore; in October, it reached a strategic cooperation agreement with the three major Chinese travel agencies in the United States: Zongheng, Haiou, and Tourfeng; in November, it acquired the United Kingdom Travel search platform Skyscanner. In 2016, Ctrip was listed on the Fortune China 500 list and was named a "Global Growth Company" by the Davos Forum in 2016. In early 2017, Ctrip was selected as one of the top ten most innovative companies in China and one of the top ten most innovative tourism companies in 2017 by Fast Company; in November, it completed the acquisition of Trip.com. In August 2019, Ctrip became MakeMyTrip’s largest shareholder through an equity swap transaction. For the whole year of 2019, Ctrip's total transaction volume exceeded 865 billion yuan, and its net profit exceeded 6.5 billion yuan. Ctrip was listed on the NASDAQ exchange in the United States in 2003 and on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2021. In the next few years, Ctrip is committed to becoming a globally influential and respected online travel company.